Rae Strozzo CV (short version)​
click here: Rae Strozzo CV (long version)
M.A.S.T. (Masters in Social Transformation), Pacific School of Religion, 2017
M.F.A in Photography, University of Arizona, May 2008
1997 B.A. in English and philosophy, Georgia Southern University (Magna Cum Laud)
2005 completed coursework for M.A. in English, Georgia Southern University
2002-2004 completed coursework towards a B.F.A in graphic design, Georgia Southern University
Solo Exhibitions
For All That We Let In. Berkeley Shambhala Meditation Center, Berkeley, Ca.
Sacred Lines. Venerated Circles. Screening. Gallery 2343 Broadway, Tucson, Az
Sacred Lines. Venerated Circles. Screening. Pacific School of Religion. Berkeley, Ca
Group Exhibitions
Screening of Sacred Lines. Venerated Circles. in conjunction with the Transgender Studies Conference, University of Arizona, Tucson, Arizona
“Personal Lens: film screening” Artist Video Collective, San Francisco, California
“Illuminations: video and film installations on the complexity of identity.” Worth Ryder Gallery, University of California Berkeley
“Y’all Come Back: A Exhibition of Queer Southern Artists.” San Francisco LBGTQ Community Center , San Francisco, CA
“Hey baby!” Art on Sexual Assault and prevention. Fluxx Productions and Gallery and Hotel Congress, Tucson, Az
Artist Talks
Artist Talk, part of Coming Alive in this Movement Moment, Pacific School of Religion, Berkeley, Ca.
Artist Talk, For All That We Let In, Berkeley Shambhala Meditation Center
Screening of Sacred Lines. Venerated Circles with talk. Intro to Social Justice and Religious Studies. Graduate Theological Union, Berkeley California
Key Note Speaker for Honors Assembly at University of Indianapolis, Indianapolis, Indiana
Guest lecturer for freshman honors Bombodied course, University of Indianapolis, Indianapolis, Indiana.
Current Employment
Self-Employed: Artist and Community Educator
Previous Employment
2015 to 2017
Writing Coach, PSR Writing Center
Assistant to Lucretia McSpadden, PSR Writing Center
2007 to 2014
Adjunct Professor, Art 128, Art 232 Beginning and Intermediate Digital Photography, Pima Community College, Tucson, Az
December 2013 – July 2015
Case Manager and Parenting, Life Skills and Art Instructor, Common Unity Transitional Housing Program, Our Family Services
Responsible for case management with Common Unity working with 18-21 year old women with children, and with the I-Team Grant working with LBGTQ youth ages 18-23.
Also LBGTQ trainer for agency